Criminal Law
The ramifications of a domestic assault case are severe and long-lasting, but fortunately the most prepared attorney will have a distinct advantage. During your initial consultation, one of our attorneys will rigorously review all your paperwork, including the affidavit of complaint, arrest warrant and full police report, and conduct a thorough examination of the facts in order to provide you with the best representation on your court day.
Ingrum Law attorneys handle all types of drug crimes, from simple possession/casual exchange and possession of drug paraphernalia to possession or manufacture of drugs for resale. In each case, we like to look at the facts - like whether or not a traffic stop would be considered constitutional, or whether the defendant has had the opportunity to seek drug addiction treatment and rehabilitation that they dearly need. Factors like these often determine the outcome of a case.
Almost everyone who has ever consumed alcohol has driven after drinking at some point in their lives, and some people will find themselves in the unfortunate situation of being arrested for a DUI. If you find yourself in such a situation, Ingrum Law attorneys can help. Never forget that you have the legal right to an attorney.
Juvenile law is a catch-all term that applies to many different areas of legal needs for individuals under 18 years old, with the most common being criminal, custodial and negligence. Fortunately, Ingrum Law attorneys are well-versed in all of them.
While misdemeanors are less serious than felony crimes, a person charged with a misdemeanor can face fines, forfeitures or imprisonment for nearly one year. Ingrum Law attorneys have extensive experience and expertise representing individuals facing a misdemeanor or felony charge, and can help navigate the complex legal system.